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The Zodiacs are an organization consisting of twelve hunters, including the vice-chairman. Zodiac members have codes names based on Chinese zodiac signs and most of them decided to match their code names in appearance. Isaac Netero, who was the late chairman, appointed the original twelve members of the zodiac, while Cheadle Yorkshire, the 14th chairman, appointed the new two members. Counselors for the chairman,...


Freecss family comes from a small island called Whale Island due to it's shape that resembles a whale. Whale island is the place where Ging, Mito, and Gon has been raised. There is one more character called Don Freecss, but not much is known about him other than he shares the same last name Freecss and he is the author of Journey to the New World. Don Freecss is one of few people who traveled the Dark Continent and lived to tell...

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